Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CSA Box- Melon Madness x2

Eight pounds of melon. Eight. That means I need to consume 1+ pound of melon per day to stay on schedule. Holy moly. The CSA box list and letter that I receive every week only mentions the number of melons that this week's box contains so only when I lugged my veggie box bounty up three flights of stairs did I realize the true volume of melon I was dealing with. Nevermind that I still had half of a melon left over from last week's box... Oh dear. And, this happened two weeks in a row now. Melon madness!!!

As always the vegetables and fruits are delicious. The small peppers are sweet and crisp but also wonderful roasted and blended into pesto with basil and walnuts. I'll post this recipe soon. The heirloom tomatoes are 'picked at their peak' fresh, gorgeous to look at, and are perfect for caprese salads.

Last week's box contents:

1 bunch Basil
2 lbs Heirloom Tomatoes
1 Galia Melon
1 Crenshaw Melon
1 basket Cherry Tomatoes
1 lb Gypsy Peppers (sweet)

This week's box contents: 

2 lbs Heirloom Tomatoes
1 lb Sweet Peppers
1-2 Eggplants
1 Orange Honeydew or Crenshaw Melon
1 bunch Tokyo Turnips
1 basket Cherry Tomatoes
1 Cantaloupe

Menu Ideas:

- Melon and yogurt parfaits 

- Melon wrapped in prosciutto

- Melon smoothies

- Melon all by itself

- Tomato salad with thinly sliced turnip for crunch and spice w/ citrus vinaigrette*

- Eggplant parmesan*

*Item can be served with a side of melon **

** Joking! (only partially)

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